Source code for lvlspy.spcoll

"""Module to handle a collection of species."""

import os
import sys
from lxml import etree
import as lp
import lvlspy.species as ls
import lvlspy.level as lv
import lvlspy.transition as lt

[docs] class SpColl(lp.Properties): """A class for storing and retrieving data about a species collection. Args: ``species`` (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of individual :obj:`lvlspy.species.Species` objects. """ def __init__(self, species=None): super().__init__() = {} self.spcoll = {} if species: for my_species in species: self.spcoll[my_species.get_name()] = my_species
[docs] def add_species(self, species): """Method to add a species to a collection. Args: ``species`` (:obj:`lvlspy.species.Species`) The species to be added. Return: On successful return, the species has been added. If the species previously existed in the collection, it has been replaced with the new species. """ self.spcoll[species.get_name()] = species
[docs] def remove_species(self, species): """Method to remove a species from a species collection. Args: ``species`` (:obj:`lvlspy.species.Species`) The species to be removed. Return: On successful return, the species has been removed. """ self.spcoll.pop(species.get_name())
[docs] def get(self): """Method to retrieve the species collection as a dictionary. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary of the species. """ return self.spcoll
[docs] def write_to_xml(self, file, pretty_print=True, units="keV"): """Method to write the collection to XML. Args: ``file`` (:obj:`str`) The output file name. ``pretty_print`` (:obj:`bool`, optional): If set to True, routine outputs the xml in nice indented format. ``units`` (:obj:`str`, optional): A string for the energy units. Return: On successful return, the species collection data have been written to the XML output file. """ root = etree.Element("species_collection") xml = etree.ElementTree(root) self._add_optional_properties(root, self) for species_name, species in self.get().items(): my_species = etree.SubElement(root, "species", name=species_name) self._add_optional_properties(my_species, species) xml_levels = etree.SubElement(my_species, "levels") for level in species.get_levels(): self._add_level_to_xml(xml_levels, species, level, units) xml.write(file, pretty_print=pretty_print)
def _add_level_to_xml(self, xml_levels, species, level, units): result = etree.SubElement(xml_levels, "level") self._add_optional_properties(result, level) result_props = etree.SubElement(result, "properties") if units != "keV": my_energy = etree.SubElement(result_props, "energy", units=units) else: my_energy = etree.SubElement(result_props, "energy") my_energy.text = self._get_energy_text(level.get_energy(), units) my_multiplicity = etree.SubElement(result_props, "multiplicity") my_multiplicity.text = str(level.get_multiplicity()) self._add_transitions_to_xml(result, species, level, units) return result def _add_transitions_to_xml(self, xml_level, species, level, units): lower_levels = species.get_lower_linked_levels(level) if len(lower_levels) == 0: return xml_transitions = etree.SubElement(xml_level, "transitions") for lower_level in lower_levels: transition = species.get_level_to_level_transition( level, lower_level ) xml_trans = etree.SubElement(xml_transitions, "transition") self._add_optional_properties(xml_trans, transition) if units != "keV": xml_to_energy = etree.SubElement( xml_trans, "to_energy", units=units ) else: xml_to_energy = etree.SubElement(xml_trans, "to_energy") xml_to_energy.text = self._get_energy_text( lower_level.get_energy(), units ) xml_to_multiplicity = etree.SubElement( xml_trans, "to_multiplicity" ) xml_to_multiplicity.text = str(lower_level.get_multiplicity()) xml_a = etree.SubElement(xml_trans, "a") xml_a.text = str(transition.get_einstein_a()) def _get_energy_text(self, energy, units): return str(energy * lv.units_dict[units]) def _add_optional_properties(self, my_element, my_object): my_props = my_object.get_properties() if len(my_props): props = etree.SubElement(my_element, "optional_properties") for prop in my_props: if isinstance(prop, str): my_prop = etree.SubElement(props, "property", name=prop) elif isinstance(prop, tuple): if len(prop) == 2: my_prop = etree.SubElement( props, "property", name=prop[0], tag1=prop[1] ) elif len(prop) == 3: my_prop = etree.SubElement( props, "property", name=prop[0], tag1=prop[1], tag2=prop[2], ) else: print("Improper property key") sys.exit() my_prop.text = str(my_props[prop]) def _update_optional_properties(self, my_element, my_object): opt_props = my_element.xpath("optional_properties") if len(opt_props) > 0: props = opt_props[0].xpath("property") my_props = {} for prop in props: attributes = prop.attrib my_keys = attributes.keys() if len(my_keys) == 1: my_props[attributes[my_keys[0]]] = prop.text elif len(my_keys) == 2: my_props[ (attributes[my_keys[0]], attributes[my_keys[1]]) ] = prop.text elif len(my_keys) == 3: my_props[ ( attributes[my_keys[0]], attributes[my_keys[1]], attributes[my_keys[2]], ) ] = prop.text else: print("Improper keys for property") sys.exit() my_object.update_properties(my_props)
[docs] def validate(self, file): """Method to validate a species collection XML file. Args: ``file`` (:obj:`str`) The name of the XML file to validate. Returns: An error message if invalid and nothing if valid. """ parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) xml = etree.parse(file, parser) xml.xinclude() schema_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "xsd_pub/spcoll.xsd" ) xmlschema_doc = etree.parse(schema_file) xml_validator = etree.XMLSchema(xmlschema_doc) xml_validator.validate(xml)
[docs] def update_from_xml(self, file, xpath=""): """Method to update a species collection from an XML file. Args: ``file`` (:obj:`str`) The name of the XML file from which to update. ``xpath`` (:obj:`str`, optional): XPath expression to select species. Defaults to all species. Returns: On successful return, the species collection has been updated. """ parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) xml = etree.parse(file, parser) xml.xinclude() spcoll = xml.getroot() self._update_optional_properties(spcoll, self) for xml_species in spcoll.xpath("//species" + xpath): self.add_species(self._get_species_from_xml(xml_species))
def _get_species_from_xml(self, xml_species): level_dict = {} result = ls.Species(xml_species.attrib["name"]) self._update_optional_properties(xml_species, result) for xml_level in xml_species.xpath(".//level"): new_level = self._get_level_from_xml(xml_level) result.add_level(new_level) level_dict[new_level.get_energy()] = new_level for xml_trans in xml_level.xpath(".//transition"): trans = self._get_transition_from_xml( xml_trans, new_level, level_dict ) if trans: result.add_transition(trans) return result def _get_level_from_xml(self, xml_level): props = xml_level.xpath(".//properties") energy = props[0].xpath(".//energy") multiplicity = props[0].xpath(".//multiplicity") attributes = energy[0].attrib if "units" in attributes: result = lv.Level( float(energy[0].text), int(multiplicity[0].text), units=attributes["units"], ) else: result = lv.Level(float(energy[0].text), int(multiplicity[0].text)) self._update_optional_properties(xml_level, result) return result def _get_transition_from_xml(self, xml_trans, upper_level, level_dict): to_energy = xml_trans.xpath(".//to_energy") to_a = xml_trans.xpath(".//a") f_to_energy = self._convert_to_kev(to_energy) if f_to_energy in level_dict: result = lt.Transition( upper_level, level_dict[f_to_energy], float(to_a[0].text), ) self._update_optional_properties(xml_trans, result) return result return None def _convert_to_kev(self, energy): attributes = energy[0].attrib result = float(energy[0].text) if "units" in attributes: result /= lv.units_dict[attributes["units"]] return result